What programs exist to promote digitization and what they offer construction companies
There has never been a better time for construction companies to close the digitization gap. Some of the support programs for SMEs that want to equip themselves for the future have been replenished substantially. Up to 100,000 euros in funding can flow per company. And many of the grants that are advertised do not have to be repaid. We took a more in-depth look at the 4 most successful nationwide initiatives for digitization in German SMEs and also listed the most important funding grants for you.
The digitization turbo is finally to be ignited. Unfortunately, for many, the funding, grants and public assistance programs responsible for this are like a jungle. Every state in Germany has its own rewards and programs aimed at advancing digitization in the region. The amount of funding is usually based on the size of the company. A distinction is made between small (< 50 employees and < 10 million annual sales) and medium-sized companies (50 – 250 employees and 10 – 50 million annual sales).
The 4 most successful nationwide support programs for digitization
Among the nationwide support programs for digitization, the following have proven to be particularly popular and practical, and we would like to introduce them to you in a little more detail.

The federal initiative “Digital Now” is aimed at all SMEs in Germany. Real values are flowing into German companies here, as the Federal Ministry of Economics and Climate Protection (BMWK) has once again increased the budget. An additional 250 million euros are now available until 2024.
Medium-sized companies from all industries with 3 to 499 employees and even freelancers can apply for the funding. You can apply for two funding modules. Funding module 1 supports investments in software and hardware that advance, for example, data-driven business models, artificial intelligence (AI), cloud applications, big data, sensor technology, 3D printing, and IT security and data protection. Companies can apply for funding module 2 for the further training of employees in the use of digital technologies.
The maximum funding amount for “Digital Now” is 50,000 euros, and even up to 100,000 euros per company for investments in value chains and/or networks. The grant does not have to be repaid. Further information on the funding program, which runs until Dec. 31, 2023, is available on the
website of the BMWK

The BAFA grant from the Federal Office of Economics and Export Control (
), which can amount to up to 4,000 euros. The “Promotion of Entrepreneurial Know-How” program supports SMEs with up to 250 employees. Specifically, the funding is aimed at startups, existing companies and companies in economic distress. In the case of the latter, the focus is on consultations aimed at restoring performance and competitiveness.
The funding program runs until Dec. 31, 2022. However, it is scheduled to continue with new funding guidelines beginning January 1, 2023.
Other SMEs can obtain support for projects in the course of digital transformation, for example in the case of
technical consulting, e.g. for the introduction of new software systems.
organizational consulting, e.g. for the introduction of agile methods.
You can find more information in the
BAFA funding guideline
– the application can be submitted online.

With “go-inno“, the BMWK promotes innovation consulting for SMEs with less than 100 employees and less than 20 million euros in sales. A grant of up to 27,500 euros is available here. Up to €1,100 is eligible for 50 percent funding for a consultant day. The company bears only its own share. An application procedure is not required.
The framework conditions of the program are analogous to those of “go digital”. As there, only services provided by authorized consulting firms may be used. A combination of both programs is not possible. You can find more information about “go-inno” on the
website of the BMWK

The BMWK’s go-digital funding program is being extended. The new funding guidelines went into effect at the beginning of 2022 and will remain in effect until December 31, 2024. In total, the BMWK is providing funding of 72 million euros for the years 2022 to 2024. go-digital involves a grant of up to 16,500 euros for small and medium-sized enterprises with a maximum of 100 employees that want to optimize their business processes with digital solutions. The program supports consulting services in the areas of IT security, digital market development and digital processes. A maximum of 30 consultant days are subsidized at a maximum rate of 1,100 euros with 50 percent. The consulting may only be carried out by an authorized consultant. In addition, two consulting days on the topic of “IT security” are mandatory.
For more information on the implementation and funding process of “go-digital”, please visit the
website of the BMWK
No digitization funding without a survey of potential
Almost all grants have in common that an application has to be submitted to the responsible project executing agency or the responsible state bank. Approval can take anywhere from a few weeks to three months, depending on the state and project sponsor. What increases your chances with all digitization funding programs: You should be able to comprehensibly describe how the planned investments will optimize the processes in your company. How, for example, is the organization or accounting made more efficient? Why is construction site management proceeding more quickly and transparently? How is IT security increased in the company? The payment is then made after the “Verwendungsnachweisprüfung“.
Here’s a tip: In addition to financial subsidies, the federal government also offers comprehensive support in the form of learning and demonstration factories as well as numerous free information events as part of the SME Digital Network initiative, especially for construction and skilled trades companies.
Bundesland | Titel der Förderung | Themen der Förderung | Höhe der Förderung |
Baden-Württemberg | Digitalisierungsprämie | Digitalisierung, Produkte, Dienstleistungen, IT-Sicherheit | 5.000 EUR bis 100.000 EUR, max. 50% der Gesamtinvestition |
Bayern | Digitalbonus | Produkte, Prozesse, Dienstleistungen, IT-Sicherheit | 10.000 EUR Zuschuss für Digitalisierungsmaßnahmen und IT-Sicherheit. 50.000 EUR Zuschuss für Digitalisierungsmaßnahmen mit besonderem Innovationsgehalt |
Berlin | Digitalprämie Berlin | Digitalisierungsvorhaben von Berliner Handwerkern, Freiberuflern und Unternehmen bis zu 249 Mitarbeiter | bis 10 Mitarbeiter: bis zu 7.000 EUR zwischen 10 und 249 Mitarbeiter: bis zu 17.000 EUR |
Brandenburg | Brandenburgischer Innovationsgutschein (BIG) | Digitalisierungsmaßnahmen | 5.000 EUR, 100% Vollfinanzierung – kleiner BIG-Transfer 15.000 EUR, 50% Teilfinanzierung – großer BIG-Transfer 50.000 – 500.000 EUR, 50% Anteilfinanzierung BIG-Digital |
Bremen | Beratungsförderungsprogramm zu Digitalisierung und Arbeit 4.0 | Beratungsleistungen durch Digitalisierungsberater | max. 5.000 EUR, max. 50% der Gesamtinvestition |
Mecklenburg-Vorpommern | DigiTrans | Innovative Ideen für neue digitale Geschäftsmodelle, Umstellung analoge auf digitale Prozesse | 50% (kleine Unternehmen) 30% (mittlere Unternehmen) für Investitionsummen zwischen 8.000 und 20.000 EUR |
Niedersachsen | Innovationsförderprogramm für Forschung und Entwicklung in Unternehmen | Innovative Entwicklungen und Prozesse, Dienstleistungen | 10.000 EUR Zuschuss |
Niedersachsen | Niedrigschwellige Innovationsförderung für KMU und Handwerk | Entwicklung und Umsetzung von Prozess- und Organisationsinnovationen | Max. 100.000 EUR |
Nordrhein-Westfalen | Mittelstand.innovativ – Innovations- und Digitalisierungsgutschein | Innovation, Beratung | bis zu 10.000 € für Innovationsgutschein B und den Digitalisierungsgutschein A bis zu 15.000 € für Innovationsgutschein F+E und den Digitalisierungsgutschein B |
Saarland | DigitalStarter Hinweis: Die DigitalStarter-Förderrichtlinie gilt bis 31.12.2022. Derzeit wird die Förderrichtlinie überarbeitet, um im Laufe des Jahres 2023 neu verfügbar zu sein. | Produkte, Prozesse, Dienstleistungen, IT-Sicherheit, Hard- und Software | bis zu 50% der Kosten für kleine Unternehmen bis zu 30% bei mittleren Unternehmen max. 12.500 EUR, Gesamtinvestition zwischen 3.000 EUR und 200.000 EUR |
Thüringen | Digitalbonus Thüringen | Digitalisierung, Informations- und Datensicherheitslösungen | 50% der Gesamtinvestition, max. 15.000 EUR (Gesamtinvestitionssumme 5.000 bis 150.000 EUR) |
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Image credits: Chinnapong/Shutterstock.com